
Mary was mentioned in..
Bible: 18 times
Quran: 32 times

Catholic: 73 Books
Protestant: 66 Books (+14) – Total: 80 Books

What books were removed from the Bible and why? Where might I find them?

Forget about the ones removed my friend, you can always find them in google. Focus on the ones that were being burnt and if anybody had them, they would be killed. Even today preaching these books might get you lynched.

  • Gospel of Mary the Magdalene
  • Gospel of Philip
  • Gospel of The Twin/Thomas
  • Book of Enoch
  • Secret Book of James
  • Apocalypse of Paul
  • Letter of Peter to Philip
  • Apocalypse of Peter
  • Gospel of Truth
  • Gospel to the Egyptians

The reason they were removed or destroyed is because the scholars claimed that they doctrines were false or blasphemous. The truth alone in these books shock the Christian faith and hence was a threat or an act of rebellion when people followed these doctrines. That is why they were destroyed. I’m sure your pastor, the Bishop or even the Pope himself has failed to mention this. These are the real lost books, Read them for you will be shocked.

If you want to find them, try google by just inserting this term in google;

“GNOSTIC BIBLE DOCTRINES”. If you do not get them maybe try going through websites or contact a christian Gnostic (if you can get them). Though I didn’t do any of these things. I just happened to land on a video on YouTube explaining them and the Lord guided me to these books. I don’t whether they are false scriptures because i am still having a hard time believing them. Only time will tell, either God is showing the truth in plain sight with these books or He is showing us more deception in this world. It is either of the two and to be on the safe side you should read those books and let God do the rest.

How many books are in the Bible?

In the standard Protestant Bible there are 66 books, in the Roman Catholic Bible 73 books, and in the Eastern Orthodox Bible 78. Almost all Christian churches agree on the same 27 books of the New Testament.

Depends which Bible you mean.
Ethiopic Bible: 84
Eastern Orthodox: 76
Roman Catholic Vulgate: 73
Modern Catholic: 73 (plus three additional works, added to certain books)
Protestant: 66

There is also the Syriac Bible, but I couldn’t find a listing of its books. The Peshitta is the most ancient complete version, and I believe that’s the version they use today. BTW, I had to count all these by hand, so there is room for human error, (appropriate, no)?

Generally speaking, everyone except the Ethiopians uses the same 27 books of the New Testament. The Ethiopians use an additional 6 works. The differences are mostly in which Old Testament books they’ve each chosen to include. The Protestants use the same text as the Tanakh, the Jewish Bible, but the Jews divide theirs into 22 books, throwing all the minor prophets into one book.